Obzi - Behaviour Observations

Obzi - Behaviour Observations
Preis: 9,99 €
Kategorie: Bildung
Noch keine Bewertung
Erschienen am: 4 März 2015
Firma: Daniel Birch
Größe: 7.85 MB
Version: 1.1.6
Entwickelt für: iPad


Obzi Behaviour Observation app is an easy to use tool for gathering baseline data about student behaviour. It was developed to aid teachers to measure On/Off Task Behaviour and produce report to share data/graphs with teachers, parents and other agencies. With Obzi Behaviour Observations you can safely and reliably collect data about student observations and store it on your device and share it with others by email.

The standard Obzi observation can have several preset intervals: 15, 30 and 60 seconds. The behaviour options are: On Task, Off Task, Disruptive and No assigned task. with On Task being default behaviour. With Obzi you can also collect Peers observation data.

The observation process can be paused and observation notes can be added each observation. Those notes are stored with observation. You can also add a summary note to the observation which will be included in the report print.

When you have gathered enough data on each student you can create student observation reports. Each report can be based on one or more observations. These reports can be printed and sent by email to other parties interested in the observation data.

Each student's name is shortened to include only the first 3 letters of their First name and only 1 letter of their Last name. This is done to protect student's identity.

We have also included a substantial help section that will guide you step by step to ensure that you use the full potential of this great student behaviour observation tool.

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