
Preis: Gratis
Kategorie: Medizin
Noch keine Bewertung
Erschienen am: 26 Juni 2014
Firma: Morten Bertz
Größe: 11.64 MB
Version: 1.0
Entwickelt für: iPhone / iPod Touch


MyGels helps you annotate, analyse, quantify, and organise gels or blots commonly used in molecular biology or biochemistry, such as agarose gels, SDS-PAGE, western blots, etc.

Simply snap a picture of your gel, crop to the desired region and MyGels will automatically recognise lanes and bands. You can calibrate the gel to determine molecular weights, quantify bands, and export beautifully annotated gels, plots of your bands of interest, and of course all the raw data for analysis in third-party software.

MyGels makes it easy to organise and keep track of your gels, makes analysis a breeze, and puts your experimental results at your fingertips.

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