Playground Finder

Playground Finder
Preis: Gratis
Kategorie: Verkehr/Reisen
Noch keine Bewertung
Erschienen am: 31 März 2012
Firma: Decane
Größe: 10.60 MB
Version: 1.2
Entwickelt für: iPhone / iPod Touch


We parents know all about it. We're visiting friends, maybe even in another city, and our little ones want to go to the playground. But where in the world is the closest playground? Especially when we visit childless friends, the answer is usually a shrug of the shoulders. Why isn't there a directory listing all playgrounds?

This app is meant to address precisely this problem.

Of course, that can only work when all parents get involved. When you enter playgrounds in your vicinity here, other parents will be able to find them. Conversely, when you visit another city and parents have entered all of the playgrounds there, you will be able to quite easily find one.

However, that's not only of interest regarding playgrounds in other cities. Especially in large cities, there are so many playgrounds that it would be impossible to know where they all are, even if you live there. This makes using the app even more exciting, to help you discover new playgrounds near you.

OK, but how do I enter a new playground? It's very easy! You go to the map view as soon as you press "Find playground" in the menu. There you can press the + symbol at the bottom right, which leads you through the input screen. It's also really fast, because the app is meant to help you, not annoy you. You can even upload photos if you wish.

So, we hope you like the app and have a lot of fun exploring. And it would of course by nice if you would help us by entering the playgrounds in your vicinity. It can only work when everybody gets involved. Thank you!

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Playground Finder
Bewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground Finder
von Maureena77
Tolle App die scheinbar leider noch viel zu wenige kennen :) aber nachträgliches Bearbeiten sollte baldmöglich gemacht werden :)
Playground Finder
Bewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground Finder
von Sledgehammer-Man
leere datenbank
mir werden 10 spielplätze in deutschland angezeigt,soo kinderfeindlich sind wir aber nicht.da wird eine app veröffentkicht, die erst noch vom anwender gefüllt werden muss.ich mache bei so etwas auch gerne mit, wenn eine startdatenbank vorhanden diesem fall: nette idee, aber gelöscht.
Playground Finder
Bewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground FinderBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - Playground Finder
von Morti176
Tolle App für Eltern
Eine tolle Idee. Der Bestand an Spielplätzen ist zwar noch klein, aber das ändert sich sicher über die Zeit.
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