cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition

cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition
Preis: Gratis
Kategorie: Unterhaltung
Noch keine Bewertung
Erschienen am: 17 März 2012
Firma: out there! communication
Größe: 9.06 MB
Version: 1.2
Entwickelt für: iPhone / iPod Touch


The cubodo Olympic Edition offers you the special experience to carry the olympic torch to London this year! Find one or carry your own torch to London. Friends and other players can help you to reach the goal.

But cubodo offers more:

In our everyday life we are constantly on the move. We drive to work, visit friends or go shopping. cubodo is a casual game, which deploys these movements and turns them into a fun and friendship. In a playful way you can explore the world around you by creating and transporting virtual packages.

★★ AWARDS ★★
★ Winner of Bridge Idea competition
★ Third Prize of the Ubimedia Mindtrek Award

What's so special?

You don't play cubodo on the couch; you play it everywhere where you are. And indeed anywhere, anytime.

cubodo begins at breakfast. Take a picture, create your individual package and drop it for others. Where? You decide it!

What can happen with your package? Your package explores the world through you and you with it. It all started at the breakfast table. Someone else likes your package, picks it up, visit a friend in Spain and does the same thing. They take a picture of the Churros and added their thoughts in the morning and drop the package on the way to the plane again. The next person picks up your package ...

You can connect with everyone, who picks up your package - get to know friends and have one thing in common - cubodo

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cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition
Bewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition
von GeoPlay
Macht Spaß!
Habe gerade mein erstes Packet erstellt und ein Bild reingelegt. Mal sehen, wo es nun hinwandern wird. Die Spielidee gefällt mir sehr gut, ist mal was anderes als dieser ewige Check-In Kram von Foursquare.
cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition
Bewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition
von Hoffwatch
Great app! Like paper chase. Schnitzeljagd mal anders.
cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition
Bewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London EditionBewertungen: iPhone/iPad App - cubodo 〜 path of moments | Torch to London Edition
von Meeerine
Super Idee!
Endlich mal ne coole, neue Idee. Ich bin gespannt.


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